
Wiki Special info Moderation Economy utility fun Covid

Wiki Commands

wiki : Get a short information about the given keyword
Extended Help : *wiki | *wiki <term>, | -> or, <> -> required There are different terms/keywords for vehicles, tuning parts and adventure tracks. As an example for vehicles, you can use *wiki fuel, where you get a list of the fuel duration, for tuning parts you can use *wiki wings, where you get info about the costs, possible vehicles, rarity and needed parts, for adventure tracks you can use *wiki countryside to get info about the collectable stars and how much money unlocking costs.
Permission(s) :None

Special HCR2 Commands

invitation-links : Shows list of teams and clans
Extended Help : *invitation-links, example: *pr, *sn, etc. If you want your team/clan's invitation links command then contact developer.
Permission(s) :None

update : Sends latest Hill Climb Racing 2 update information.
Extended Help : *update, It pulls update information directly from Play Store and App Store (IOS) So all information displayed on update command is 100% accurate.
Permission(s) :None

rp : It'll show Racing Permits with their information.
Extended Help : To see names or codes of characters use *rp. Then *rp <character name> | <code>, Character names are not case sensitive but spelling must be correct. | = optional, <> = required.
Permission(s) :None

te : This commands has all previous team events information. This command is actively under development.
Extended Help : *te <number of team event>, It gives information such as Team Event Name, Team Event Number, Team Event Week, Game Modes, Available Vehicles. < > = required
Permission(s) :None

te average vehicles : It'll return current team event's average vehicles.
Extended Help : *te average vehicles, This command is actively under development.
Permission(s) :None

pe : Information of all previous public events.
Extended Help : To see list of public events use *pe. Then *pe <name of the public event> | <code>. This command is actively under development. | = optional, < > = required
Permission(s) :None

pe next : Returns some clues about next public event.
Extended Help : *pe next, It contains short description + cool image.
Permission(s) :None

pestrategy : Vehicle and part suggestions for the public event
Extended Help : *pe strategy, It will return an image showing track names, suggested vehicles, corresponding parts and possibly best known scores
Permission(s) :None

testrategy : Vehicle and part suggestions for the team event
Extended Help : *te strategy, It will return an image displaying suggested vehicles and corresponding parts for each track of the team event
Permission(s) :none

te table : Table that lists times/distances for each track of the team event that correspond with specified point scores
Extended Help : *te table, Returns an image of a table. The table shows the time/distance for each track that corresponds to point totals of 10k, 9k, 8k, … 1k
Permission(s) :none

score : The points that would be awarded for the specified team track distance/time score
Extended Help : *score <track> <your score>, This will return the number of points from 1000 to 10000 that would be given for the specified team event track for that time/distance. For example: ‘*score t3 22’ - where ‘t3’ stands for Track 3, and ‘22’ is the time/distance. Note: do not include 'm' or 's' as the unit
Permission(s) :none

ytsearch : Will return a weblink to search for relevant HCR2 YouTube videos
Extended Help : *ytsearch <search terms>, This command will return a weblink that if selected will direct the user to a YouTube search of Hill Climb Racing 2 videos that are relevant for the specified search terms, e.g. ‘*ytsearch new event’
Permission(s) :none

Info Commands

avatar : As this command's name says, it shows somebody's avatar.
Extended Help : *avatar | *avatar <mention user>. Defaults to the author if the input is invalid or not given. | = or, <> = important
Permission(s) :None

ytstats : Shows information about YouTube Channel.
Extended Help : *ytstats <Channel Name> | <Channel URL>, < > = required, |= optional. (We use api to fetch information from YouTube)
Permission(s) :None

profile : Shows your profile. In simple words userinfo.
Extended Help : *profile | *profile <mention user | user id>, It shows all basic information, amount of reputation points that mentioned user has, description of user, etc.
Permission(s) :None

description : Set your description. You'll see your description on your profile. To see your profile use *profile.
Extended Help : *description <stuff>, < > = required.
Permission(s) :None

serverinfo : It shows the amount of channels, the amount of members, the amount of roles, region, creation date, verification level, etc.
Extended Help : *serverinfo
Permission(s) :None

ping : Shows bot latency and API latency. TBH This does not mean anything.
Extended Help : *ping (There is nothing to know more about it)
Permission(s) :None

uptime : Shows uptime of the bot.
Extended Help : *uptime, (This is not so helpful for normal users)
Permission(s) :None

invite : Sends invitation link of the bot.
Extended Help : *invite
Permission(s) :None

Fun Commands

8ball : Ask the magic eightball a question...
Extended Help : *8ball <your question>. <> = required
Permission(s) :None

catfacts : Returns random catfacts with cute pictures of cats.
Extended Help : *catfacts
Permission(s) :Embed Links

dogfacts : Returns random dogfacts with cute pictures of dogs.
Extended Help : *dogfacts
Permission(s) :Embed Links

pet : pet pet 😅
Extended Help : `*pet` or `*pet <mention user>` or `*pet <custom emote>`
Permission(s) :attach files (for bot)

Economy Commands

work : collect coins.
Extended Help : *work, amount: 1000 - 5000/work, cooldown: 10s. Bot uses virtual currency called coins which can be used for buying stuff, roles.
Permission(s) :None

daily : collect daily coins after each 24 hours.
Extended Help : *daily, amount: 1000 - 10000 coins, Cooldown: 24h. Bot uses virtual currency called coins which can be used for buying stuff, roles.
Permission(s) :None

weekly : collect big amount of coins once in the week.
Extended Help : *weekly, amount: 10000 - 50000 coins, Cooldown: 1 week. Bot uses virtual currency called coins which can be used for buying stuff, roles.
Permission(s) :None

balance : The balance command shows your amount of coins. :coin:
Extended Help : *balance | *balance <mention user>, | = optional, <> = required. Bot uses virtual currency called coins which can be used for buying stuff, roles.
Permission(s) :None

rob : rob/steal coins of mentioned user.
Extended Help : *rob <mention user or userID>, cooldown: 24h, <> = required.
Permission(s) :None

deposit : Deposit your coins in the bank to get rid of robbing.
Extended Help : *deposit <amount>, <>=required, Bot uses virtual currency called coins which can be used for buying stuff, roles.Bot uses virtual currency called coins which can be used for buying stuff, roles.
Permission(s) :None

withdraw : Withdraw coins from your bank account to your pocket to buy stuff and give money to others.
Extended Help : *withdraw <amount>, <>=required, Bot uses virtual currency called coins which can be used for buying stuff, roles. Bot uses virtual currency called coins which can be used for buying stuff, roles.
Permission(s) :None

leaderboard : The leaderboard command shows a list of top 10 users sorted by global amount of coins.
Extended Help : *leaderboard, The leaderboards refresh every time when someone uses economy command. Bot uses virtual currency called coins which can be used for buying stuff, roles.
Permission(s) :None

givemoney : share coins to other users.
Extended Help : *givemoney <mention user> <amount>, <> = required. Bot uses virtual currency called coins which can be used for buying stuff, roles.
Permission(s) :None

rep : Give reputation point to your favorite user.
Extended Help : *rep <mention user>, < > = required, cooldown: 3 hours. You can check your reputation points on your profile. To see your profile use *profile.
Permission(s) :None

repboard : Displays Global reputation points leaderboard.
Extended Help : *repboard, it returns list of top 10 users who have more reputation points. You can check your reputation points on your profile. To see your profile use *profile.
Permission(s) :None

mystery : Mystery box which gives different vehicles every time.
Extended Help : There are 15 total mystery vehicles in mystery box. Every time you will get paid random amount in range of 500k - 750k. There are 2 awesome badges: 1) 5 vehicles collections badge & 2) King of Vehicles badge (15 vehicles collection). You can see these badges on *inventory and *profile command. How I can collect all vehicles? Please paste this link in your browser: or join our support server:
Permission(s) :None

inventory : Collection of vehicles which you can get in mystery boxes.
Extended Help : It shows that how many vehicles you have collected in mystery boxes with cool badges.
Permission(s) :None

Moderation Commands

mute : Mutes the user and logs it to a channel called "modlogs".
Extended Help : *mute <User ID or Mention> [reason]. < > = required, [ ] = optional
Permission(s) :Manage Roles, Manage Channels

unmute : Unmutes the user and logs it to a channel called "modlogs".
Extended Help : *unmute <User ID or Mention> [reason]. < > = required, [ ] = optional
Permission(s) :Manage Roles, Manage Channels

kick : Kicks the user and logs it to a channel called "modlogs".
Extended Help : *kick <User ID or Mention> [reason]. < > = required, [ ] = optional
Permission(s) :Kick Members, Manage Roles, Manage Channels

ban : Bans the user and logs it to a channel called "modlogs".
Extended Help : *ban <User ID or Mention> [reason]. < > = required, [ ] = optional
Permission(s) :Ban Members, Manage Roles, Manage Channels

unban : Unbans the user and logs it to a channel called "modlogs".
Extended Help : *unban <User ID or Mention> [reason]. < > = required, [ ] = optional
Permission(s) :Ban Members, Manage Roles, Manage Channels

clear : Clears X amount of messages from the channel.
Extended Help : *clear <amount of messages>. < > = required
Permission(s) :Manage Messages

changenick : Changes the nickname of user and logs it to a channel called "modlogs".
Extended Help : *changenick <User ID or Mention> <new nickname>. < > = required
Permission(s) :Manage Nicknames

warn : Warns the user and dms them and logs it to a channel called "modlogs".
Extended Help : *warn <User ID or Mention> [reason]. < > = required, [ ] = optional
Permission(s) :Kick Members

search : Shows punishment count of mentioned user
Extended Help : *search <mention user>. < > = required
Permission(s) :None

slowmode : Turns on slowmode for X seconds on channel.
Extended Help : *slowmode <time> [channel] Time can also be "off" to turn slowmode off and channel is optional, so it will be the channel where the command is executed in. Example: *slowmode 5s - will activate 5 seconds of slowmode for current channel. < > = required, [ ] = optional
Permission(s) :Manage Channels

Utility Commands

suggest : Send your command ideas directly to the developer through suggest.
Extended Help : *suggest <your suggestion>, all suggestions will get displayed in the suggestions-feedback-report channel at Support Server.< > = required
Permission(s) :None

emote : It returns image of any Custom Emoji also it gives download link to download image.
Extended Help : *emote <custom emote>, <> = required.
Permission(s) :None

setwelcome : It'll set channel to send welcome message.
Extended Help : *setwelcome <mention channel>, <> = important
Permission(s) :MANAGE_CHANNELS

rshop : Server Roles Shop.
Extended Help : *rshop, Server Admins can sell the roles in the shop. Each server can have only one role for the sell in the shop. To add role in the shop use *addrole, to buy use *buyrole.
Permission(s) :None

addrole : Add role to the shop for sell.
Extended Help : *addrole <mention role | role id>, Server Admins can sell the roles in the shop. Each server can have only one role for the sell in the shop. To add role in the shop use *addrole, to buy use *buyrole. < > = required, |= optional.
Permission(s) :MANAGE_ROLES

buyrole : pay coins and buy roles.
Extended Help : *buyrole, It'll automatically give you role if there is role for the sell in the server and you have enough money to pay. Server Admins can sell the roles in the shop. Each server can have only one role for the sell in the shop. To add role in the shop use *addrole, to buy use *buyrole.
Permission(s) :None

Corona Commands

covid : Displays real time corona stats of any country.
Extended Help : *covid : Displays worldwide corona stats | *covid <country name> : Displays corona stats of particular country. | = optional, < > = required.
Permission(s) :None